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July 2021 Reading Update

Another Shelf Raid

Hey there my dear reading friends!  Wouldn’t you know it, I checked back and it’s time for another reading update.  Here’s the crazy thing . . . you remember I list the books I’m going to be reading next at the end of these posts??  Well . . . I did not read those books this last time.  In fact, they are still my “to be read” books. Oops!  Oh well, keeps you all on your toes I guess.

Recently Finished

I have slowed down on my reading this summer, which sounds crazy, but I forgot that it actually takes me around 3 hours a week to mow my lawn, and that doesn’t include time taking care of my garden, watering the lawn, messing around with my flowers, and planting random things.  Long story short, my summer is crazy busy just like every other time of year.  But I have still finished a few books in the past few months!




Currently Reading

If you saw my post on Instagram a few weeks ago, I had a large stack of books on my bedside table that I shared.  I’m not currently reading every single one of those, but I still have my plate full!  Here’s a few of them.




Next on My Bookshelf

Guys, we all know how inconsistent I am with what I’m going to read next.  😉  So who knows if I will read these next month, next year, or in the next decade.  But here are some books I’ve recently added to my list that I hope to read soon.



My Eyes are Hurting

In all honesty, I read so much these days that my eyes literally get tired and start hurting.  You’d think I’d have more to show for it!  Perhaps this is just proof that my eyes are bigger than my brain.  🙂  Oh well.  It doesn’t hurt to have a to-read list the size of Cincinnati right??

Until the next perusal of my shelves!  🙂

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