Monday Minute on January 25th

The Best Books

It’s another Monday!  This week I’m going to share the three places I most often peruse for books.

Let’s just get right into it!

  • Barnes and Noble Bookstores

Barnes and Noble is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful buildings you can walk into at any given location.  The smell of new books and un-cracked covers is just glorious.  However!  You do pay extra for the B&N label with most books.  There are several lines of classical novels that are mass-published, or something along those lines, and are therefore cheaper.  For instance, I obtained a copy of Les Miserables (paperback version with a nice cover, but nothing fancy) for $13.95, but there is another version available for a mere $6.95.  We are talking less than $0.01 per page people!

Having a B&N membership (around $25 per year if I remember correctly) always gives you 10% off your purchases, and other deals can be added on top of that.  Any online orders made with a membership give you free shipping.  Usually there is a sale going on for something, and the $5 and $8 tables in-store can be absolute treasure troves.  In short, B&N can be a very good place to find your books if you know when to go and where to look!

One thing to take note of: B&N walks completely in-step with our culture.  But, honestly, most libraries and book-stores do because of their liberal and left-leaning owners.  Be wary of the books displayed at the front and center of the store.


Amazon has to be included on the list, of course!  I’ve gotten several books from Amazon in the past year, and am always pleased with what I find.  The nice thing about Amazon is that you can choose the level of quality and how new the book is that you want.  This in turn changes the price (either up or down.)  But!  The thing to be aware of is whether a lower priced book actually has free shipping.  If you don’t have Amazon Prime then it won’t matter either way, but with Prime you have to be sure and look for the checkmark!  If not, you will end up paying upwards of $4.99 in shipping for a book you payed $1.25 for.


I have never ordered straight from Thriftbooks, although I have been the recipient of gifts from them.  Thriftbooks is linked to Amazon, though, and that is how I have gotten books from them.  In fact, often they have the cheapest (and best quality) books on the Amazon market.  Checking out their website, you can find both new and old books, giving it a little more appeal than B&N with having options.

Until Next Week

I hope you can enjoy some book-shopping in the near future!  Do you have any tips and tricks for finding good book deals?  Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time. 🙂


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