Evidence Not Seen – A Book Review

Had it not been for these years, I might never have known these dear people, from whom I was soon to be parted.  The French have a saying, Partir c’est de mourir un peu, “To part is to die a little.”   A Missionary at War Darlene Diebler and her husband Reverend Russell Diebler landed in New Guinea on August 18, […]


Secretariat – A Book Mini-View

Secretariat by William Nash Published in 1975     396 pages Content:  * * * * (4.5) There aren’t a whole lot of content issues here.  However, this is the world of horse racing so there are curse words scattered throughout and gambling/betting on the races.  There is also an explicit explanation of how a horse at stud interacts with a mare […]


July 2021 Reading Update

Another Shelf Raid Hey there my dear reading friends!  Wouldn’t you know it, I checked back and it’s time for another reading update.  Here’s the crazy thing . . . you remember I list the books I’m going to be reading next at the end of these posts??  Well . . . I did not read those books this last […]
