Muses From the Moon – A Book Review

grace truth: even when the sky doesn’t open sweetly you can still find grace growing from somewhere.     I avoided poetry for a very long time. I appreciated literature as a child, growing up in a home where books were read-aloud every night and spending every free moment drinking in every Nancy Drew mystery and Janette Oke book I […]


Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness – A Movie Review

Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness (2022) Starring: Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olson, Bendict Wong Director: Sam Raimi MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of violence, frightening images, and some language   Mankind is depraved.  In fact, I am depraved.  To take it further, you are depraved. If you want to stop reading now, be my guest.  We have a heavy topic today, and it may […]


Pamela’s Prayer – A Movie Review

  Pamela’s Prayer (1998) Starring: Serena Orrego, Rick Scheideman, Ted Kuenz Director: Dave Christiano MPAA Rating: Unrated   Purity culture gets a bad rap these days.  Some flack might be deserved, but some isn’t.  Purity, including modesty, has increasingly been left up to each individual to discern and decide for themselves where their lines in the sand are.  This has produced a […]


The Shadow Riders – A Movie Review

  The Shadow Riders (1982) Starring: Tom Selleck, Sam Elliot, Katherine Ross Director: Andrew V. McLaglen Rating: PG for mild profanity, some suggestive content, and mild action and violence     Tom Selleck and Sam Elliot are two of my favorite western actors.  In fact, other than Val Kilmer I don’t think I care for any other western actors . . […]


Wait, What? – A Book Review

    I have no special talents.  I am only passionately curious. – Albert Einstein       According to the author, “This book started as a graduation speech, and graduation speeches are meant to be grandiose.”  While I wouldn’t necessarily call it grandiose, it is philosophical and perhaps a little picturesque in it’s approach to life.   There are a […]


True Grit – Some Considerations

I tried to watch the original True Grit last week.  I couldn’t muster the strength to finish.   I watched the new True Grit last summer with my brother.  Though I came away unimpressed, I was not completely bored (I was close though.)  I made it one hour through the original before I threw in my hat.  I found the new adaptation cheesy […]
