July 2021 Reading Update

Another Shelf Raid

Hey there my dear reading friends!  Wouldn’t you know it, I checked back and it’s time for another reading update.  Here’s the crazy thing . . . you remember I list the books I’m going to be reading next at the end of these posts??  Well . . . I did not read those books this last time.  In fact, they are still my “to be read” books. Oops!  Oh well, keeps you all on your toes I guess.

Recently Finished

I have slowed down on my reading this summer, which sounds crazy, but I forgot that it actually takes me around 3 hours a week to mow my lawn, and that doesn’t include time taking care of my garden, watering the lawn, messing around with my flowers, and planting random things.  Long story short, my summer is crazy busy just like every other time of year.  But I have still finished a few books in the past few months!


  • Enola Holmes Mystery Series by Nancy Springer
    I just recently reviewed this series on my blog a few weeks ago.  I had a pretty glowing review I’d say, and it’s well-deserved.  This was a very well-written series with a solid plot, fascinating characters with interesting developments, and fun mysteries with enough twists and turns to always keep you on your toes.  If you want all the details you can go check out the review HERE.  Even though it took me a little while to finish all of these, all six of the books were fast-reads.  I actually read all of book four while I was at work one day (I work 8 hour shifts.)  I heard a rumor that a seventh book will be coming out in August and I simply cannot wait!  Go check out these books for yourself.


  • Hero of the Empire by Candice Millard
    This book wasn’t what I expected it to be, but it wasn’t bad that it didn’t fulfill my expectations.  I expected a short overview of the Boer war and more commentary on how that affected Winston Churchill’s political ambitions in the years following his time in Africa.  In reality, Hero of the Empire was entirely about Churchill’s time in Africa with some side notes about his political adventures and family happenings.  Although it surprised me, I still enjoyed this book and learned so much about the Boer War, Louis Botha and the Boer heritage, Churchill and the British military mindset, and various other topics.  It mentions a lot of statistics, which can get boring and bogs down the brain a bit.  But military strategy as held by the British and the Boers during the War was fascinating and I appreciated the fact that Millard threw in a lot of commentary on the battles as well as keeping up with what Churchill was doing and where he was at any given time during the War.  I recommend this for anyone who is interested in Churchill, Africa, war, military strategy, or even just personal education and growth!


Currently Reading

If you saw my post on Instagram a few weeks ago, I had a large stack of books on my bedside table that I shared.  I’m not currently reading every single one of those, but I still have my plate full!  Here’s a few of them.

  • Secretariat by William Nack
    I watched this movie for the first time with my family about two years ago.  It had us on the edge of our seat the entire movie, even though you know from the beginning exactly what’s going to happen.  The book is the same except drawn out a little more.  Every single one of Secretariat’s races I think, how can he do this?  There’s no way this happens.  But it does, and it’s incredible!  The details in the book can be a little tedious sometimes, but I’m learning a lot about horses and racing and the breeding market.  I’m so excited to get through the end and write a full review.


  • The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
    I’ve started this book several times over the years and have never dedicated the time to actually finish it.  I have loved every book of C.S. Lewis that I have read (except Out of the Silent Planet.  I couldn’t get into those.)  This book is no different.  C.S. Lewis has a way with words and logic that is astoundingly simple, yet gentle.  It sounds like a scary premise . . . but imagine a senior demon (Screwtape) writing letters to his nephew, a still-learning demon (Wormwood) over a newly converted young man that Wormwood is attempting to trouble.  It’s been eye-opening to areas of my life that I have let sin creep in and haven’t even considered it as unholy or ungodly.  I still have yet to finish, but I’m closing in and I highly recommend it so far!


  • The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges
    I’m part of a small church plant in Liberal, Kansas.  This summer we started a Bible study with the ladies that are in our church and we are going through the book The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges.  I’m only four chapters in so far, but wow this book packs a punch!  I have been so convicted and encouraged in pursuing even more holiness in my attitudes, actions, and words.  I’ve read some of Bridges other books and I greatly enjoy his style of writing and the gentleness with which he deals with his reader’s sin.  Be on the lookout for a full review (eventually!)


Next on My Bookshelf

Guys, we all know how inconsistent I am with what I’m going to read next.  😉  So who knows if I will read these next month, next year, or in the next decade.  But here are some books I’ve recently added to my list that I hope to read soon.


  • Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
    My Uncle suggested Ayn Rand to me based on some of my other favorite books.  He has told me several times that I need to read this book and then watch the movies.  I honestly don’t know much about the plot here, but I’ve seen the covers of the movies many times since I used to work at the library.  It’s been in the back of my mind for awhile, and I’m starting to think this can be my “big book” of the summer!
  • The Calcium Connection by Brunde Broady
    This is purely an academic read.  I found it on the new shelf at the library a few weeks ago and thought it looked interesting (considering I work in the laboratory and actually measure the calcium level in almost every patient who walks through the door.)  It’s a relatively small book so I’ve added it to my pile and hope to start and finish it this month (July 2021.)
  • Victory in the Pacific by Albert Marrin
    I’m pretty sure I had this listed back in January or April, but I don’t care.  I still haven’t read it and it’s still sitting on my bedroom shelf.  I’ve heard bits and pieces through the whole book, but I was out of the house by the time my mom started reading this to my siblings.  What I’ve heard was fascinating, and I enjoy Marrin’s style quite a bit so I’m sure once I start this book it won’t take me long.  Here’s to hoping anyway!


My Eyes are Hurting

In all honesty, I read so much these days that my eyes literally get tired and start hurting.  You’d think I’d have more to show for it!  Perhaps this is just proof that my eyes are bigger than my brain.  🙂  Oh well.  It doesn’t hurt to have a to-read list the size of Cincinnati right??

Until the next perusal of my shelves!  🙂


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