The Silmarillion – A Book Review

¨And it came to pass that Ilúvatar called together all the Ainur and declared to them a mighty theme, unfolding to them things greater and more wonderful than he had yet revealed; and the glory of its beginning and the splendour of its end amazed the Ainur so that they bowed before Ilúvatar and were silent.   Glorious Emotion I […]


The Investment Answer – A Book Review

An Answer to the Market Question Money plays an important part in the life of every citizen of the United States (as well a abroad.)  Although it has appeared in many forms, general investing has been part of the world economy since time began.  The American capitalist market has produced some of the greatest economic growth ever seen, but it […]


Anne of Ingleside – A Book Review

“Anne’s hand found its way into Diana’s.  They sat for a long time in a silence too sweet for words.  Long, still evening shadows fell over the grasses and the flowers and the green reaches of the meadows beyond.  The sun went down…grey-pink shades of sky deepened and paled behind the pensive trees…the spring twilight took possession of Hester Gray’s […]


The Maze Runner — Book Review

The Maze Runner tells us the story of a young man who wakes up in a box…That is moving…And completely dark…And he can’t remember…Anything.Well, anything except his first name: Thomas. A Glade, a Maze, and a boy… The Maze Runner begins as the box Thomas has somehow found himself in stops moving and drops him in a glade.  This isn’t just […]
