Hope for My Home Update – Week 4

Sometimes life doesn’t change very much. I’m finding this out in the grand scheme of keeping my house clean.  There’s an ebb and flow to life, no doubt; however, day to day, not much changes.  The kitchen still needs to be cleaned.  The dishes still have to be washed and put away.  And somewhere in the monotony, the floor should […]


Uncharted – A Movie Review

Uncharted (2022) Starring: Tom Holland, Mark Wahlburg, Antonio Banderas Director: Ruben Fleischer Rating: PG-13 for language, action, and violence   The number of children who want to grow up to be Indiana Jones is probably astronomical.  I haven’t met many people (if any at all) who disliked the adventure, mishap, and comedy of those movies.  The narrative and story-line presented […]
