The Screwtape Letters – A Book Review

  Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts . . .        A Problem of Doctrine Over the years, the Christian Evangelical community has expressed concern and shown reservation over the doctrine of C.S. Lewis.  Oh don’t worry, they acknowledge and heavily […]


French Literature You Must Read!

When In France What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of France?  I have a variable response depending on what context I’m thinking about France in.  If the context is history, I’m thinking about Normandy and the beaches on D-Day.  If I’m thinking about movies, Ratatouille and my favorite line from Ocean’s 12 (“What can he do?  He’s one man, […]


The Paris Library – A Book Mini-view

The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles Published February 9, 2021      346 pages Content: * * (2.5) Scattered language of mild to moderate severity.  Lots of suggestive material regarding mistresses, sex, longing looks, fantasy, female anatomy etc.  Frequent mentions of “trysts” and other similar terms, all of which point to sex although nothing is described in those instances.  Several mentions […]


The Word is Murder – A Book Mini-view

The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz Published June 5, 2018     400 pages First in Hawthorne series Content:  * * * (3.2) Lots of language, particularly f–k and s–t. Some suggestive material, including brief references to / descriptions of male anatomy.  Several mentions of homosexuality.  Lead character described many times as homophobic (and this is not okay in the other lead […]
