The Paris Library – A Book Mini-view

The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles Published February 9, 2021      346 pages Content: * * (2.5) Scattered language of mild to moderate severity.  Lots of suggestive material regarding mistresses, sex, longing looks, fantasy, female anatomy etc.  Frequent mentions of “trysts” and other similar terms, all of which point to sex although nothing is described in those instances.  Several mentions […]


The Word is Murder – A Book Mini-view

The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz Published June 5, 2018     400 pages First in Hawthorne series Content:  * * * (3.2) Lots of language, particularly f–k and s–t. Some suggestive material, including brief references to / descriptions of male anatomy.  Several mentions of homosexuality.  Lead character described many times as homophobic (and this is not okay in the other lead […]


He Will Hold Me Fast – A Book Review

If this past year has taught me (the beginnings of) anything about a Christian’s growth towards God, it is that the process is one of the blacksmith’s forge.  Our desires for change are like sketches of what we want God to do.  But nine times out of ten, our steely hearts must feel the heat of difficulty and the sparks […]


Jane Eyre – A Book Review

  “I could not answer the ceaseless inward question – why I thus suffered; now, at the distance of – I will not say how many years, I see it clearly.”    A Miserable Burden What does misery do to the young mind?  A great many things.  Everyone responds differently given the same circumstances.  In the classic novel written by Charlotte […]


The Lost and Found Bookshop – A Book Review

For the Want of a Book Barnes and Noble is a pretty nice place to be: the smell of fresh paper, the crack of an untouched spine, the hushed whispers of stories calling to their readers.  But take the comfortable atmosphere of B&N one step further.  Imagine now you are in a mom and pop bookstore – a crammed building […]
