He Will Hold Me Fast – A Book Review

If this past year has taught me (the beginnings of) anything about a Christian’s growth towards God, it is that the process is one of the blacksmith’s forge.  Our desires for change are like sketches of what we want God to do.  But nine times out of ten, our steely hearts must feel the heat of difficulty and the sparks […]


Raya and the Last Dragon – A Movie Review

Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) Starring: Kelly Marie Tran, Benedict Wong, Awkwafina Rating: PG for mild perilous action   A Broken World In an ideal world, there is perfect peace and everyone gets what they want.  But we are wicked creatures.  We can’t seem to get along for any decent period of time without spiritual intervention.  For believers this […]


Jane Eyre – A Book Review

  “I could not answer the ceaseless inward question – why I thus suffered; now, at the distance of – I will not say how many years, I see it clearly.”    A Miserable Burden What does misery do to the young mind?  A great many things.  Everyone responds differently given the same circumstances.  In the classic novel written by Charlotte […]


A Cinderella Story – A Movie Review

A Cinderella Story (2004) Starring: Hilary Duff, Chad Michael Murray Rating: PG for some language, and brief sexual innuendo   Another Round Here we are again, reviewing yet another Cinderella tale, because apparently I can’t get enough of it all!  😉  Unfortunately, since I hatched this idea and started on it, I’ve got to finish it.  If I had watched 10 […]


Not Cinderella’s Type – A Movie Review

Not Cinderella’s Type (2018) Starring: Paris Warner, Tim Flynn, Tanner Gillman Rating: PG (??)   Yes, Another One . . . I’ve been looking around at Cinderella movies lately (I’m working on an article that will rate 10 or so Cinderella movies worst to best!) and I stumbled upon another random one.  A vague description drew me in and I […]


That’s Quotable! with Dr. Seuss

The Right Perspective I was thinking about this quote looong before the news hit this week, but how well-timed on my part to pick Dr. Seuss as the inspirational quote for this week.  😉 Our world is a mess right now, but it is becoming more obvious by the day it seems.  This week we are “discovering” the racism behind the […]


March Update

A Few Changes Hello everyone!  It’s officially March and I’m making a few changes to my blog-posting schedule.  It’s very minor, but I want to keep you up-to-date and in-the-loop. I’ve been posting a Monday Minute every week, but that will be reduced to once or twice a month.  It will still be on Monday (obviously . . . cause […]


Monday Minute on February 22nd

Crazy Hair Day Hello again!  It’s Monday and it’s time for another minute.  This week I’m discussing something that I have way too much of: hair!  It’s a little odd, but it’s what came to mind as I was thinking through what the share this week. I’ve got a thick head of hair.  There is so much of it, I […]
